Thursday, November 3, 2011

A Veterans Day Comparison!

Taken from


Taken from

I believe the first image is simply too much for the naked eye.  It's almost like when you stare up into the sky directly at the sun, forcing you to squint.  Although it does protrude a good message, it is just too corny.  It shows the flag as if it is an angel in the clouds, this kind of advertisement is practically bragging about how great our country is. Maybe a little less details and a more firm, direct mesage would greatly increase the impact of this particular poster.

In my opinion, the black and white, bolder look is much more affective. It gives a more serious effect, making for a much deeper and more emotional impact on the viewer. The images and words are much more organized and the colors make it a lot easier to look at. The quote in the poster, "A Day of Honor, A Day of Remembrance," is a beautiful quote, almost bringing a tear to one's eye. Overall, the second poster seems to be more moving. With the captured image and its words that follow it, it is a very affective.

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