Thursday, November 17, 2011

Social Networking, or Social Suicide?

It is no secret that Facebook is a place for teens and young adults to truely express themselves, whether that be in a positive or negative way. If we're talking about Facebook, it will most likely be negative. CBC News reports on, "Facebook bullying case goes to court," about a Nova Scotia girl being the target of a Facebook bully. The bully created a mock Facebook profile of the girl and used profanity and other comments to insult her. The account was traced back to the criminal, where he faced some serious cyber-bullying charges.

I'v always said that the things people say on Facebook today, are usually not things that they would say in person. It is almost as if Facebook gives kids the power to say things that they aren't comfortable with saying in person. Such as the case above, my dad once had a case which involved Facebook. A group of girls planned to beat up his client and began posting racial slurs along with profanity and other things. The girls did in fact hurt my dad's client and with all the cyber-evidence present the case was easily solved. These are only two of the many cases I have heard about involving Facebook. Although I am a current user, I do believe that there can be some major effects from networking.

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Conner. Thanks for this in depth summary and analysis.
