Sunday, November 27, 2011

A Life Changing Moment

"Forced sexual intercourse including both psychological coercion as well as physical force."

This means vaginal, anal, or oral penetration by the offender. If this crime, rape, is ever comitted there are sure to be serious consequences. It is stated that acquaintance rape is the most common violent crime on U.S. campuses, also saying that the victim usually knew their suspect. Although, there are many ways which this crime can be reduced.With gender-specific education programs, students will be taught how to develop healthy behavioral intentions. Also, through providing a safer physical environment (installing lighting, surveillance cameras, and emergency call oxes; increasing security patrols), students will be much more visible and able to warn off predators.

Rape is one of the most violating crimes to commit. Somebody who gets raped has to keep that vivd picture in their mind for the rest of their life. In my opinion, rapists shouldn't be treated any better than murderers. For a person to forcefully have sex with somebody, without their consent, takes the same amount of evil as taking ones life. Essentially, one's life is being taken after being raped. Several ways to reduce the numbers of on-campus rape has to do with the amount of awareness present at the school. People tend to trust their peers way to much, leading them into an open door of sexual abuse.

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