Saturday, October 22, 2011

Midterm Reflection

Whew, what an experience! I used GoAnimate and I can say that I have never used such a helpful tool.  The instructions were very down to earth and this made it easy to accomplish exactly what I wanted.  With the GoAnimate tool I was able to completely customize my video and create it in the way that I thought was best. It's so easy a caveman could do it!

I choose to use this website in order to capture the full attention of my audience.  With the cartoon-like characteristics I figured the students would be more interested in the presentation and would enjoy it more with a nice laugh.  I tried to make it as easy to understand as I could, but at the same time attempted to cover every aspect of learning objectives in the most concrete way.

One downfall of my particular presentation would have to be the quantity of information. I did not want to put loads of useless, boring info in the video to make students fall asleep, but perhaps I should have put a little more. Next time I will be sure so fully cover each subject and use more descriptive and charasmatic words to help the audience grasp it better. Other than that, I had a blast using GoAnimate and I would love to improve on this next go 'round!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you enjoyed the assignment, Conner. You can embed the video directly using the HTML code. I am still waiting for GoAnimate in the Educator's version where you will have more time.
