Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Beauty of Nature

Africa is often referred to as the "Animal Kingdom." With so much vast landscape, and also a mixture of vegetation, it is a breeding ground for beastly animals such as leopards, rhinos, lions, buffalo and elephants. These animals are classified as Africa's "Big Five." Florida is also a breeding ground for many of the worlds most famous animals. Although there isn't a specified "Big Five," Florida definitely has list to choose from.

With its wide variety of landscape, such as lakes, ponds, oceans, bayous, swamps and large pieces of land, Florida provides oppurtunities to many of its inhabitors. When thinking about Florida, many different animals come to mind. Panthers, bears, alligators, rabbits, dolphins, squirrels, coyotes and foxes, only the tip of the iceberg. If I were to choose a top five, I would have to say that it consists of alligators, dolphins, panthers, black bears and eagles.

There is a great possibility that this list is innaccurate or perhaps needs a little change. For the most part I believe this is a fairly concrete list of Florida's "Big Five." Some of these animals have been close to extinction or maybe still are, but I believe it they should definitely be judged on their quality rather than quantity. It's a shame to know that animals are dying everyday due to unhealthy conditions. It's important for communities to come together and attempt the save their ecosystems.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

A Life Changing Moment

"Forced sexual intercourse including both psychological coercion as well as physical force."

This means vaginal, anal, or oral penetration by the offender. If this crime, rape, is ever comitted there are sure to be serious consequences. It is stated that acquaintance rape is the most common violent crime on U.S. campuses, also saying that the victim usually knew their suspect. Although, there are many ways which this crime can be reduced.With gender-specific education programs, students will be taught how to develop healthy behavioral intentions. Also, through providing a safer physical environment (installing lighting, surveillance cameras, and emergency call oxes; increasing security patrols), students will be much more visible and able to warn off predators.


Rape is one of the most violating crimes to commit. Somebody who gets raped has to keep that vivd picture in their mind for the rest of their life. In my opinion, rapists shouldn't be treated any better than murderers. For a person to forcefully have sex with somebody, without their consent, takes the same amount of evil as taking ones life. Essentially, one's life is being taken after being raped. Several ways to reduce the numbers of on-campus rape has to do with the amount of awareness present at the school. People tend to trust their peers way to much, leading them into an open door of sexual abuse.


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Social Networking, or Social Suicide?

It is no secret that Facebook is a place for teens and young adults to truely express themselves, whether that be in a positive or negative way. If we're talking about Facebook, it will most likely be negative. CBC News reports on, "Facebook bullying case goes to court," about a Nova Scotia girl being the target of a Facebook bully. The bully created a mock Facebook profile of the girl and used profanity and other comments to insult her. The account was traced back to the criminal, where he faced some serious cyber-bullying charges.

I'v always said that the things people say on Facebook today, are usually not things that they would say in person. It is almost as if Facebook gives kids the power to say things that they aren't comfortable with saying in person. Such as the case above, my dad once had a case which involved Facebook. A group of girls planned to beat up his client and began posting racial slurs along with profanity and other things. The girls did in fact hurt my dad's client and with all the cyber-evidence present the case was easily solved. These are only two of the many cases I have heard about involving Facebook. Although I am a current user, I do believe that there can be some major effects from networking.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Think Different Now?

This poster could be classified as very provocative. At the same time, it uses a strong image along with bold text, to create a serious effect and really grab the viewers eye. The photo is of a woman wearing underwear with a "Do Not Enter" sign on it, minus the words. This is obviously stating that the woman doesn't want any man, or woman, trying any sexual activities with her without her consent. With the deep impact of the image, there are words that state, "Have sex with someone who hasn't said yes to it, and the next place you enter could be prison." We now know that this is an ad attempting to diminish the crime of rape by targeting the public using a strong visual message.

With such a fierce message, this poster seems to be a great way to change the minds of the public. If it were to be posted somewhere well-populated, the rape crime would definitely be looked at differently. What is the goal of this poster? I assume it is to make people aware that rape is real and it happens, with the combination of imagery and wording it calls for a very touching message.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Who's Afraid of Who?

This is such a hilarious video, I was laughing basically throughout the entire thing. It seems apparent that this video was either made by a slightly sexist man or a woman who just finds entertainment in making fun of men. In the video, "Why men don't talk to women," a man is repeatedly injured by different women because they think he is hitting on them. After he asks a simple question such as, "What time is it?" a women would stab him in the eye with a sword or cut him in half with a chain saw. Although this is obviously a very exaggerated portrayal of what would actually happen, it gets the point across... and then some.


With all the rediculous reactions from these women, the main idea of the video is kind of over-exaggerated. I do in fact believe that women can be like this at times, but that largely depends on the type of woman your talking to and, even more importantly, what mood she's in when you happen to encounter her. In my opinion, women are easy beings to get along with, nothing like the video depicts them to be.

A Veterans Day Comparison!

Taken from www.kickacts.com


Taken from

I believe the first image is simply too much for the naked eye.  It's almost like when you stare up into the sky directly at the sun, forcing you to squint.  Although it does protrude a good message, it is just too corny.  It shows the flag as if it is an angel in the clouds, this kind of advertisement is practically bragging about how great our country is. Maybe a little less details and a more firm, direct mesage would greatly increase the impact of this particular poster.

In my opinion, the black and white, bolder look is much more affective. It gives a more serious effect, making for a much deeper and more emotional impact on the viewer. The images and words are much more organized and the colors make it a lot easier to look at. The quote in the poster, "A Day of Honor, A Day of Remembrance," is a beautiful quote, almost bringing a tear to one's eye. Overall, the second poster seems to be more moving. With the captured image and its words that follow it, it is a very affective.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Midterm Reflection

Whew, what an experience! I used GoAnimate and I can say that I have never used such a helpful tool.  The instructions were very down to earth and this made it easy to accomplish exactly what I wanted.  With the GoAnimate tool I was able to completely customize my video and create it in the way that I thought was best. It's so easy a caveman could do it!

I choose to use this website in order to capture the full attention of my audience.  With the cartoon-like characteristics I figured the students would be more interested in the presentation and would enjoy it more with a nice laugh.  I tried to make it as easy to understand as I could, but at the same time attempted to cover every aspect of learning objectives in the most concrete way.

One downfall of my particular presentation would have to be the quantity of information. I did not want to put loads of useless, boring info in the video to make students fall asleep, but perhaps I should have put a little more. Next time I will be sure so fully cover each subject and use more descriptive and charasmatic words to help the audience grasp it better. Other than that, I had a blast using GoAnimate and I would love to improve on this next go 'round!
